Importance of fibers in your diet:

Dietary fiber is also known as roughage. Fiber is the non-digestive part of plants, unlike proteins, carbohydrates, fats, dietary fiber is also very important for your body as it plays a very crucial role for our body. It provides bulk to help in soften stool.

Fiber is categorized into two parts:

1.) Soluble fiber: It dissolves or forms a gel with water . It helps to trap sugar, fats, and cholesterol.
Some eexamplesof soluble fiber:- Fruits like oranges, broccoli, oats, carrats, and beans.

2.) Insoluble fiber: It doesn’t dissolves in water . It absorbs water to add bulk and helps to move stool more easily from colon.

Some examples of insoluble fiber: Spinach, Whole grains, breads, beans.

Here are some benefits of adding dietary fiber in your diet:-

1.) It helps to resolve the problem of constipation.
2.) It helps to keep you full for a longer time.
3.) It helps to reduce blood sugar from rising after meals.
4.) Helps to maintain your bowel system.
5.) Helps to lower your cholesterol level.

Note: Drink plenty of water as fiber works best when as absorbs water it will make your stool soft & bulky.

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